Friday, November 27, 2009

Snippets for the day

I am enjoying reading the things given to us by Project Enlightenment. We just have a class overview on positive discipline, a couple kids book, and a parenting book I'd heard nice things about, as well as a few handouts. I swear, it's making me look at parenting (and discipline and even Paxton himself) in a whole different light. Suddenly things seem so much more manageable, and so much simpler and easier to handle. It's hard to be told by friends or family to let some things go, especially when your kid is acting up so much. But to actually read something that pretty much describes your kid AND your parenting style and gives tips on what would help, and then to actually see them work... yeah, we're feeling pretty good about this.
I'm so in love with Ambrose. OMG. So in love. So in love with Paxton as well, of course, but I've been in love with him for awhile now and this love for Ambrose is new. I'm such a lucky person!
Thanksgiving was fun, though we were like 2 hours late to dinner!
Growth spurt is over!!! Ambrose is now going 3 hours between meals. I'd tried this before and it didn't work, but tried it again (for a 3rd time I think) and it's working now. Also he's sleeping like a fiend right now! Seriously back to where he was when he first came home, 6 hours of sleep to 2 hours of awake time, with only 3 real awake periods a day! Unfortunately, they seem to happen at night... Such is the way of the young ones in this household!
Diapers! I love diapers! Nice, soft, pretty cloth diapers! Today our second batch of used Bum Genius One Sizes are being shipped out! Or Monday, I suppose, but hopefully today! And I just contacted a woman about some fitteds I really like (I have 3) and a cover I really want (I have one but her's has frogs on it). I know, I'm weird! But we have yet to put a disposable on Ambrose and I'm quite proud of it.
Carriers! Like cloth diapers, they're an addiction. Today I hacked up a T-shirt to make a carrier but it was too big :( I need to find one that's tight on me. If it weren't Black Friday I would've gone out looking for one today with the boys just to get out.
Nik is coming home in an hour. Yay! More video game! And maybe a shower for me!
Ambrose hasn't poo'd in forever. I feel bad for him, but apparently that's normal. So okay. Maybe I should stop giving him prune juice since it doesn't seem to be doing anything for him anyway.
On that note... seriously with breastfeeding you can go up to 2-3 weeks with no poops and that's normal? So why are there so many people formula feeding when they had a decent supply and weren't working? I mean... almost no poop! And it doesn't even smell bad when it comes out! How can that possibly look unattractive?
I'm better about putting away laundry now than I was pre-Ambrose. That's... weird.
Sleeeeep! I'm getting more of it! And also reading at night and sometimes during the day and it makes my brain feel less dumb! And also coffee is still nice! Yay!

1 comment:

Micka said...

It is so good to hear that you are in good spirits and enjoying your days again. Like A my little man doesn't poop everyday. He goes every week or sometimes every three days. I keep telling myself it is all normal there is nothing wrong with that.