Saturday, September 10, 2011

Sweet Boys...

We're starting to fall into a nice little groove with P going to school. Ambrose has only been to his class twice, three times if you count the hour and a half "intro" day, but he's loving it. Paxton has been all of 6 times and so far so good for the most part. They have a color coded behavior system, with Purple being the absolute best, green being your normal standard day that everyone starts on, yellow being one warning, orange being two+ warnings and you have the homework of coming up with what you could do different and drawing a picture, and red is parental contact due to really bad behavior. In the past six days it's been purple-green-purple-yellow-yellow-purple. Not too shabby! Especially considering that P had his first substitute on Thursday (yes, five days into the school year for Kindergartners just trying to grasp this school thing the teacher has a workshop, which I'm sure couldn't be helped but really? Timing yo!). For Paxton change is haaaard, and a break in routine used to cause massive tantrums and major problems. Now? He got a yellow day. A warning because, as he put it, he "kind of freaked out in the morning" for his sub. But he got over it and held it together for the rest of the day, even though he told me it was hard. Seriously, I could cry I was so proud of this kid!

So anyway, it's going well over here. Splendid, actually. Paxton is loving school. Ambrose is loving his mommy time and partaking in activities directly targeted at his age group. And I'm getting a bit more done around the house. Sure, nap time is often a rush, especially on Ambrose's preschool days when we get home at 1:30 and have to leave the house at 2:30 to pick up P. But it's all good :)

So that leads me to this post, which is essentially just me wanting to record some of our happy moments lately. Such as...

P giving me attitude for a little after school, coming up with a plan for how he's going to lock himself in the building with a friend and play for the rest of his life there and anyone who stops him will be put in jail. But it's okay, because he'll give them toys to play with too. And no, he can't just send them home and ask them not to bother him. That makes no sense. And no, playing with his toys at home also makes no sense! School has better toys!


The same boy, five minutes later, getting really quiet then admitting that when he's at school he misses me and Nik a little... but he really, really misses his baby brother and wishes he could be playing with him. Cue me swooning over my sweet boy!


Ambrose adding "tooooo!" to everything. I'll ask my boys "would you guys like snack?" and Ambrose will scream "snack tooooo!!!" He'll see P on his bed and run in screaming "bed toooo!" We hear a lot of "read too" or "up too" or "car too" or "shoe too" or "bath too" or, well, you get the picture. Basically if he wants something (especially something P has) he'll demand to have it toooooo. :)


Watching P navigate a phone call, including asking my mother's receptionist to transfer him to her. I never realized that while P recognizes my mother's name, he doesn't know how to say Roberta! Hehe! "Ro-ber-TA"


Ambrose singing songs. He sings the ABCs over and over, and Twinkle Twinkle. Sometimes he repeats bits of the songs he's heard in his classroom. He also looooves counting and does it over and over. Now he's pretty much settled on counting to 10, but won't say 9 at all.


Our chickens have grown so much, and they've started laying. We have the nice, yummy, super nutritious fresh eggs. Also? Great pets. Seriously, so easy to keep, and we just let them run around the yard for a bit most days and they just climb on up to bed once it gets dark. They sit to let the kids pet them or pick them up, and eat out of our hands. They come when we call, and they're soft as silk. Such sweet girls! Now if only they'd stop pooping all over my deck....


Finally getting a date today :) We dropped the boys off at the drop in daycare and took in a movie, The Help, before picking up the kids and heading off for Ethiopian food. It was wonderful :) We really need to do it more!


And now? Perhaps and early bedtime! That would be wonderful too.

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