Sunday, April 29, 2012


So this has been "Announcing" week.

I had already told my parents, most of the people at the preschool, a few friends, and P's teacher.

On Monday I spoke openly about it at the preschool, thus informing a few other friends/parents, after my appointment.  Unfortunately Nik couldn't make it because of the handyman being at home, but hearing the heartbeat was truly magical.

On Tuesday we told the kids.  I had bought 3 gifts at the birth center's boutique.  We took them for dinner at the Ethiopian restaurant and after we ate I gave P his gift (a stencil set), A his gift (a wooden robot doll), and pulled out a small stuffed strawberry with a sleeping baby head popping out the top.  I asked P who it was for, and after he guessed himself he rightly guessed it was for a new baby.  I asked where he thought our new baby was, and said, "I don't know, Germany?"  After I informed him that was incorrect, he guessed, "Florida?"  I laughed and leaned over, whispering in his ear "In my belly!"  He jumped back screaming, "ARE YOU SURE???"  Haha, silly boy!  He was so excited :)  And still is!  He's telling everyone he can, including friends, their parents, and neighbors.  When we drove home that night he asked me lots of questions all the way home :)

On Wednesday I believe I only told one other preschool parent.

On Thursday, my mother, A and I met my grandparents for lunch.  My grandmother was so excited when I told her!  She wants to throw a shower, but we'll see how that goes.  We didn't have a shower for A so immediately I felt a bit off about it, but I realize that this time we have a lot more warning and guarantee.  Maybe we can do a pregnancy shower?  Where everyone buys me pretty and comfortable maternity clothes?  And nice lotions and lots of high end granola bars?  Mmmm, a girl can dream :)  I also reached my sister that afternoon and got to tell her.  I'm so happy about that!  I was worried I wouldn't be able to reach her and she'd find out via Facebook or family gossip.

On Friday... yeesh, what happened Friday?  Oh yeah, PTA breakfast where I helped set up and serve, then picked up Ambrose and had him "help" clean up :)  By eating as much food as he could weasel out of people!  Everyone at the PTA already knew since I told them about it and how that's the reason I won't be a chair again next year.

On Saturday we had a wonderful morning, just P and I, at a book reading from Audrey Penn, author of The Kissing Hand.  She's just wonderful in person!  Wish I'd gotten to speak to her, I could have but missed my chance and I'm still kicking myself for it!  Why must I lock up sometimes?  That afternoon was a birthday party and that was such great fun.  A ate so many cheese balls I'm surprised he didn't make himself sick!

Today is Sunday, and I announced at church.  I got applause.  I guess people need happy news sometimes.

Tomorrow is Monday and I'll be putting it on Facebook, the final "coming out" so to speak.  Then I guess I can make my blog public again.  We're past the secrecy and "are we sure?" phase, and into the hopeful and expectant phase.  Things may still go wrong, even horribly so, but there comes a point where you just have to believe and enjoy the precious gift presented to you. 

So much to do this week, so many calls to make, emails and letters to write, a garden to plant, a house to clean, deep cleaning to start on.... So much to get done in such a short time period!  But I'm hopeful.  Here's hoping my nesting instinct kicks in full force!  It was killer with the boys, got soooo much done when it kicked in, but not quite feeling it yet.  Might need to look at cute pictures of little babies in the morning, get my nesting juices flowing, then clean like crazy!  That ought to get my closets organized!  :)

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